Thursday, July 16, 2020

Blessing in disguise

2020 is cancelled. Pretty much.

Growing up, I always look forward to 2020. I was expecting to see cars flying in the sky but instead, we got a real pandemic to deal with. A lot of people are struggling and no matter how big or small, we are all dealing with something due to this pandemic.

I try my best to help others and in return, I think I am blessed with more rezeki. Rezeki don't mean having more money. But having good health and being able to sleep in peace at night, having my family all well and good is my good rezeki. Helping others don't mean giving away money too. You can help others in many ways. Doa for others is also a form of sedekah. I was told.

When I was in Makkah, I made lots of doas. That's the place to doa after all, isn't it?  I can't really remember all my doas because I made a lot of it but there are some that I remember making repeatedly. Some are for me, some are for others. Some friends asked for me to help doa for them and I remember writing them down and going in front of the Kaabah to doa for them. Alhamdulillah, almost everything I doa has come true. Some of it are really things that I don't expect at all. When I made the doa, I knew in my heart I was asking for too much but I did it anyway and then next thing you know, it came true. God is great, indeed.

What I'm trying to say here is although 2020 is not what we expected, for me, it is a blessing in disguise. I'm so grateful I got to be in Makkah and I'm so happy with my new image with hijab. Which is something I never thought would come so fast for me. So many blessings this year for me MashAllah.


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Say what?!