Thursday, April 16, 2020

Crash Landing on you

Don't tell me you haven't watched this Korean drama! It has been buzzing with excellent reviews for months now. If you are still not in love with Captain Ri, you are missing out!

It is about a love story between a South Korean heiress with a hot military hunk from North Korea. I love it that it is light, funny, beautiful characters and just such an enjoyable watch. It does help that Captain Ri (played by HyunBin) is adorable and such a hunk in this drama.

I guess most of you have already seen it already. I'm going to list down some of my favourite moments in the drama. Since it ended (back in February, I think) I've watched it again (and again) many times.

WARNING: This contains spoilers

1. She was returning to South Korea and decided to give each of the comrades and award. Everyone got an award except Captain Ri. He was not happy he didn't get any but she had a special one for him. A plant. How sweet!

2. She went missing and he got a scented candle and looked for her. He found her. The walk back to the house was funny. He told her he has a woman in his life and she got jealous. It was very cute.

3. Their train ride to Pyongyang was super romantic and funny. The trip to Pyongyang was to take photo of her for the passport. She asked to take a photo together but he didn't want to. But in the end, he secretly asked the cameraman for an extra photo of her for him to keep. Awwww...

4. Their date in Pyongyang is very romantic. I think it was their first "date" together. I think this was the first time they had a nice time together. I love his look. He was her "bodyguard" and protected her.  How romantic

5. I love the part when she was kidnapped and how he stood up for her in front of his dad. He is so macho! I also love how sweet his mom was to her. She slept in his room and played piano the whole time because she couldn't sleep and how she looked at his old baby photos and said he must be a child actor because he looked so cute.

to be continued.........

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